Thursday, November 26, 2009

Saturday, July 25, 2009

In Wayne Dyer's bestseller The Power of Intention: Learning to Co-create Your World Your Way, he outlines seven steps for overcoming your ego, which I've found helpful.


We all know people who get offended by just about everything. When we’re around them, we watch what we say, because we know it won't take much to set them off.

So when you’re around people who are easily offended, realize that it’s their ego. Don’t be drawn into the drama by adding your own two cents or by trying to change their mind.

If you’re the one who’s easily offended, work on changing the negative pattern. (And recognizing it is often the hardest part.)

By constantly being on the lookout for shortcomings in other people, you’re not helping to change anything. You’re actually contributing to the problem.


This is hard to let go of because winning is a sure way to get an immediate ego boost. But Dyer points out that you can’t win all the time. And how do you feel when you lose?

If losing devastates you, it’s because you're getting your identity mixed up with winning and losing. But the only thing that's been lost is how you think about yourself. In other words, the loss has occurred to the ego, not to who you truly are.


Why is being right so important to you? Because it strengthens your ego.

But what happens when you're right and your son or daughter is wrong? Or your husband or wife is wrong? Are you able to let go of being right then? Or do you have to prove you're right, even if it means proving that someone you love is wrong at all costs?

“I’ve seen people end otherwise beautiful relationships by sticking to their need to be right. I urge you to let go of this ego-driven need to be right by stopping yourself in the middle of an argument and asking yourself, Do I want to be right or be happy?” says Dyer.


“True nobility isn’t about being better than someone else. It’s about being better than you used to be,” says Dyer.

By being in competition with yourself, working to improve your way of being in the world, your focus shifts from lecturing and judging others, to improving yourself. (But don’t judge yourself, or it defeats the purpose!)

Dyer points out that “We are all equal in the eyes of God.” So if God sees us as equal, then how can we be superior (or inferior) to another person?


What happens when we always need more? We can’t appreciate what we already have because it’s not enough. In the end, our lives become shallow, unrewarding, and meaningless.

“The mantra of the ego is more. It’s never satisfied. No matter how much you achieve or acquire, your ego will insist that it isn’t enough,” says Dyer.

When we always need more, we can’t part with what we already have, even if we no longer need or use it, because the ego feels less when it has less.

But having more clothes, for example, doesn't make us better people. It doesn’t even make our lives easier. Having a lot of clothes that are too small, too big, outdated, or stained simply gets in the way. But the ego feels deflated when it looks in the closet and sees empty spaces.


Dyer urges us to let go of identifying with our achievements because alone, we don’t achieve anything. “God writes all the music, God sings all the songs, God builds all the buildings, God is the source of all your achievements,” he stresses.


This was probably the hardest thing for me to let go of. I always wanted people to like me and would be crushed if someone didn’t. I'd think, What did I do wrong? At the time, I didn’t realize that I couldn't control what others thought about me, no matter how badly I wanted to.

According to Dyer, what people think about you is beyond your control, so your shouldn't waste time obsessing about it. “Your reputation is not located in you," he says. "It resides in the minds of others. Therefore, you have no control over it at all. If you speak to 30 people, you will have 30 reputations.”

You can't twist yourself into a pretzel trying to please everyone you meet because no matter how hard you try, there will always be somebody who doesn't like you.

Dyer recommends that you do this:

“Stay on purpose, detach from outcome, and take responsibility for what does reside in you: your character. Leave your reputation for others to debate; it has nothing to do with you.”

Friday, April 3, 2009

Out of the Box

It's an avalanche of words!!!!

It's now been a little over one month and Jack wants to know...everything. 

What's remarkable is that Jack's verbal capacity is making incredible leaps since his treatment at Duke at the end of February.

We remain incredibly grateful to Dr. Joanne Kurtzberg and her Staff.

Friday, March 27, 2009

Since getting back from Duke, one little miracle for our family was that Jack started spontaneously singing for the first time. My wife and I are musical so it's been kind of sad that Jack hasn't had the ability to sing simple songs. For instance, during his kindergarten music recital he seemed to know all of the music but it didn't quite get translated. 

So it was really cool to hear him singing himself to sleep for the first time. (and waking me up with a song the next morning) 

...and it was also kind of strange. Paradoxically, you can sometimes not miss a thing until it appears.

Anyway, if our Guitar Hero Band continues to improve this month, we may have to go into the studio and record.   It's good to know there is an immediate application for his new talent. I guess his little brain is repairing and rewiring itself and we'll be discovering more of him in the coming weeks.

For some of the best new treatment options and a global perspective on stem cell treatment, I recommend you follow Don Margolis who is Chairman of The Repair Stem Cell Institute.

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The Home of Stem Cell Victories
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The Future of Cancer Treatments
will be here in 2009

The Future of Diabetes Treatments
will be here in 2010

Our newest blog---Science + Human Interest by our former Editor-in-Chief

Thursday, March 26, 2009

My 6 year old son Jack is now at the forefront of modern medicine. He was recently treated at Duke University Medical Center for CP using stem cells from his own cord blood which my wife and I banked when he was born.

In the last 4 weeks since Jack's treatment, we have already experienced a few minor miracles. This modest site will be dedicated to recording these miracle for posterity and assisting other families who are looking for answers. Answers to difficult questions about their children's health.

Jack was left in a traditional health care box. Our family was in the dark. All paths lead to abrupt ends. No exits. Options pre-prescribed. Doors closed. Lid shut tight. 

The health care system was locked down but needed a few more cranks so the music would stop. 

My son was...Jack in the Box.

Many families feel desperate and trapped with no way forward. 

There is an evolving new paradigm in health care. We want to do our share.

Our mission is to identify and help make available as many of the emerging health care solutions as possible so more kids and families can experience their miracle.